The JaMmers are in the house!

The JaMmers are in the house!

The members of the former guilds and ECW have melded into a new parish-wide group: The JaMmers.


Our name is an action form of the “Josephs and Marthas”, so named for Joseph—able to rethink and adjust his course as information was shared, and for Martha—working tirelessly behind the scenes to serve the guests in her home. 


Our mission and meeting schedule will evolve, but we’ll begin by planning, assisting and facilitating parish events and activities. We will meet monthly to study together, review projects and seek ways to serve and share.


For more background, click Be a Joseph, the blogpost by Madeline Bialecki that helped us figure us out who we are. Martha’s story is in Luke, Chapter 10.


Come to our next gathering: Tuesday, February 28 at 10 am in Yeoman Hall


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