Welcome to St. Michael’s Church
Where ancient custom and future orientation
inspire people for ministry in today’s world.
inspire people for ministry in today’s world.
Our Community
We are from all walks of life. At St. Michael’s you can find working people, retired people, younger, older, students, families, single folks, partnered couples. Our congregation looks just like the people who live all around us. What draws us together is a love of God, a desire to offer our best to God in worship, and a commitment to bringing our faith into the world we encounter.
Our Prayer and Worship
We are a community of faith that gathers every Sunday. Our services blend things that are old — prayers that have resonated for hundreds of years, and things that are new — prayers that are crafted and composed for each service. We share in the bread and wine of Holy Communion, blessed with the words that Jesus prayed at the Last Supper, and we welcome all to the Lord’s Table. We sing classic hymns, ancient chant, and contemporary songs. We are a Scriptural church. We read Bible passages whenever we gather. We are committed to prayer in church, at work, and at home.
Our Heritage
1,500 years ago missionaries brought Christianity to the British Isles. The Church of England was established during the Reformation as the official religion of the United Kingdom. Colonists and settlers brought their church to this land and shortly after the Revolution our British roots were adapted for a new country and a new government. We became the Episcopal Church in the United States, the beginning of a family of national churches related to but independent from the Church of England. We are part of this Anglican Communion and we join in spirit, mission and heritage with 70 million Anglicans throughout the world.
Our History
We began our worship life in a golf course caddy house. In 1953 we laid the cornerstone for our church, the first of several building projects. October 26, 2021 marks 75 years of ministry to the Grosse Pointes, Eastpointe, Detroit, Harper Woods, Warren and St. Clair Shores. We continue to grow as we seek to do God’s work in our local communities and in the world.
Our Faith-Based Approach
We celebrate the goodness of God’s creation and embrace our role in sustaining and healing the world around us. We strive to respect the dignity of every human being. We are inspired by rich and varied worship that incorporates all the human senses of sight, sound, smell, taste and touch. We follow a church calendar that celebrates holy women and men and in its cycle of special occasions reflects the changing of the seasons. We engage heart and mind and voice to praise God in the beauty of holiness. We discern God’s ongoing revelation through reason, experience and tradition.