The Little Thrift Shop

Sales Room:  

Fridays and Saturdays 10 am – 3 pm

Receiving on Fridays
by appointment. 
Call 313-884-7840
on Monday or Friday

between 10 am and 2 pm

The Little Thrift Shop at St. Michael’s has been serving our parish and the larger Detroit community for 60 years. This consignment shop receives clothing and household items for resale. St. Michael’s ECW disburses the Shop’s proceeds to many charities throughout the Detroit area, as well as St. Michael’s ministries.

Many parishioners work diligently to take in, price, and sell gently used items in the shop. These dedicated volunteers not only staff The Little Thrift Shop, but also enjoy warm fellowship with church friends. Customers also become friends, and we invite those who “shop the Shop” to consider attending St. Michael’s on Sundays.

As a result of the hard work and dedication of the many Little Thrift Shop volunteers, over $28,000 was contributed to St. Michael’s and over 20 outreach ministries last year. In addition, all items not sold are either reclaimed by the consignor or given to various nonprofit groups in the Detroit area.

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