January 14, 2024

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The Second Sunday
After The Epiphany
This Week's Inspiration:
Dan Edwards, “Listen For Jesus As He Calls Your Name”

Each day, I give God a long to-do list. I give God a lot of advice on how to run the universe. That’s fine. I am sure it makes God laugh. But that can add up to a lot of talking and not much  listening. Prayer is a conversation for building our relationship with God. It’s how we get to know God. But that doesn’t happen if we do all the talking. Talking to God is only half of it. The other half is listening. So how do we listen to God? God called Samuel by name. God calls the stars by their names (Ps. 147). Jesus calls each of us by name. (John 10:3). Jesus is calling my name, your name, every day, just as he called “Samuel, Samuel.”


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